Unseated Sucker Cups
Unseated Sucker CupsProblem: In our very early days two customers using the Mundo Strap mentioned their sucker cups at times became unseated in their attachment heads. This problem caused us some serious head scratching for some time, we’ve never experienced the problem at all ourselves and were at pains to find a reason. I noticed a young pupil of mine removing his guitar, and it made me think. He removed it by releasing the sucker cups, this I'd not intended or foreseen in the design. I designed the triangular sucker cup array so that the cups would be easy to change, but at the same time impossible to move when in use on the instrument. With the guitar attached, when two of the cups are released, the full weight of the guitar bears on the last cup. If it has the upper position in the array, it can be pulled out of its seat. Our thanks to Mark Ingram for bringing this to our attention. Mark has an animated performing style with hefty guitars, so we’re really pleased to cure this problem. Solution: The solution is unbelievably simple and we believe stylish, heaven only knows why we didn’t think of this before, doh! Simply plug the holes in the sucker attachment head, (see below). This makes it impossible for the sucker cups to move under any circumstances.